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Stavebnice generátoru s funkcí ICL8038 sinus – Čtverec, trojúhelník 50 Hz – 5 kHz


Popis produktu

Stavebnice klasického generátoru funkcí.
Rozsah 50 Hz až 5 kHz.
Sestavení podle přiloženého manuálu (viz fotografie u tohoto produktu).
Součástky je nutné zapájet do plošného spoje (viz fotografie u tohoto produktu).
ICL8038 Datasheet: 
With excellent performance ASIC chip function generator ICL8038, add a small amount of resistive and capacitive components, can produce sine, triangle and square wave, and the frequency of the signal, duty cycle, adjustable distortion sine wave.
Requires a certain DIY ability, you need to weld the kit yourself:)
ICL8038 pin functions:
1 foot, 12 foot: sine waveform adjusting terminal;
2 foot: sine wave output;
3 foot: triangle wave output;
4 foot, 5 foot: the frequency and duty cycle (or waveform asymmetry) adjustment;
6 foot: V +, the positive power supply;
7 foot: offset; 8 foot: frequency adjustment input terminal;
9 foot: square wave output.
This is an open collector output terminal, work should take a load resistor to the corresponding positive power supply terminal from the pin, to get a TTL-compatible square-wave output, the load resistance must be connected to + 5V power supply;
10 foot: timing capacitor terminal;
11 foot: V-, negative power supply terminal or the ground. Use positive and negative power supply, 11 feet to the negative supply, the output waveform are symmetrical with respect to 0V; use a single positive power supply, 11 feet grounded, the output waveform is unipolar, uniform voltage is + VCC / 2;
13 feet, 14 Feet: Empty foot.
The kits are designed for a frequency range is 50-5KHz, two bands with a switch S to switch, RP1 is the frequency adjustment, RP2 is the duty cycle adjustment, RP3 is a sine wave distortion adjustment. Circuit uses 12V single power supply, input from the X1; X2, X3 is a waveform output side, you can use oscilloscope to observe three output waveforms.
Model: ICL8038
Input: 12V DC
Frequency range: 50 Hz – 5KHz
Size: 6cm*4.5cm*0.2cm
Weight: 26g


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